The Ramminger German Citizenship is a company specialized in the process of recognition of German citizenship with the German government. It is based in Berlin, Germany, and one of its differentials is that it works with German public bodies directly from Germany. It was idealized and created when Ulisses Ramminger, founder of the company and himself a German-Brazilian citizen, realized that there were no lawyers in Germany specialized in the recognition of German citizenship for German descendants, who live all over the world, whether in the United States or Latin America. Our goal is to offer practicality and time saving to our clients, uncomplicating as much as possible a complex and bureaucratic process such as the recognition of German citizenship.
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Entry of Application and
Follow-up of the Process
The service consists of the preparation and submission of the Application for the Certificate of German Citizenship at the Federal Administration Office (Bundesverwaltungsamt) and the follow-up of the entire process for recognition of German citizenship.

Searching and obtaining documents
in Germany
Research and issue of duplicate copies of old documents at public offices in Germany and in former German territories. We search, for example, in the State Archives (Landesarchiv) and in the disembarkation registers of German ports.

Examination and Opinion of papers and documents
One of the most important steps in the process of German citizenship recognition. In this preliminary step of the process, we will thoroughly analyze the existing documentation and give our opinion regarding the feasibility of the acquisition of German nationality.

Search and procurement of documents in America
We search for documents in America that are necessary for the accomplishment of the process for recognition of German citizenship. We also search for documents issued in notary offices, such as birth, marriage and death certificates.