Ulisses Ramminger was born in Porto Alegre in 1976 and is a lawyer and jurist, Master in European Law (LL.M.), with a good knowledge of both Brazilian, European and German Law.

PHe has a degree in Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes (2001) and a Master in Europe as a Common Legal Area, European Integration and Central-Eastern Europe - Technische Universität Dresden (2007), revalidated as a Master in International Law by the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2013) .

-Attorney member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro section Janeiro, since 2001 - OAB / RJ 110618

-Attorney member of the Portuguese Bar Association, since 2015- C.P. 54203L

-European lawyer, since 2015 .

-Attorney member of the Chamber of Lawyers of Berlin since 2022 .

Practiced law in Brazil until 2014 and since 2015 acts as a lawyer in Europe. Specialized in European Law and Migration Law, more specifically in the process of recognition of German citizenship. He works as a representative attorney in Germany for American and Latin American clients.

His language skills are Portuguese (native language), German, English and Spanish.
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